American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA)
Austria for Americans Hotel Group
Bora Bora Lagoon Resort, Tahiti
Creative Leisure
Compri/Doubletree Club Hotels
Cutter's Restaurant, Santa Monica
Dolphin Bay Hotel & Residences
Doubletree Hotels
Doubletree, Marina del Rey
Hilton Burbank Airport & Convention Center
Hotel and Travel Index Online
Hotel Parisi, La Jolla
Hyatt Regency, Maui
Kapalua Resort, Maui
La Costa Resort and Spa
Le Mirador Resort Hotel & Spa, Mont Pelerin, Switzerland
Mandarin Oriental Group
Marriott Lodging
Palace Hotel, St. Moritz
Pan Pacific Hotels & Resorts
The Peninsula Group
The Peninsula, Beverly Hills
The Peninsula, New York
Radisson Plaza, Manhattan Beach, CA
The Ritz-Carlton, Aspen
The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong
Seven Crown Resorts
Spa Hotel Resort and Mineral Springs, Palm Springs
Stepps Restaurant, Los Angeles
The Sea Ranch Resort
Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson